Anonymously prove any subset of any email you sent or received, on-chain. Directly verify the email sender, without having to trust us.
Email a relayer in order to transfer money or transact on Ethereum, anonymously.
Peer to peer marketplace for decentralized onramp/offramp to Ethereum via Venmo, UPI, Garanti, and more.
Prove you own a Twitter username on-chain, via any email from Twitter.
No trusted hardware. No trusted attestation servers. Only trust zero knowledge proofs, smart contracts, email, and DNS infrastructure.
We directly verify the signatures on your emails within a zk proof, including regex parsing within zk. Read our blog post to understand the core email proving technology, or watch our technical presentation to understand how the email wallet technology works.
Work with incredible folks like
Check our GitHub readme for an overview of our timeline, a list of fun projects related to infra and applications, or message us if you have any questions!